Evil Genius
helpdesk humour
"We care a lot"
Tales from the helpdesk
Technology gone wild
Customers gone nuts
Technological nightmares
The machines are coming
We welcome our robot overlords
Speed bumps on the superhighway
Drag-and-drop interface
But it was working yesterday
That's not the way we do it round here
How do I double-click?
But it's a brand-new computer
That's not what my brother told me
I want to talk to your supervisor
It's too hard
Why can't you do it for me?
Can you help me install this virus?
That other man said you would help me
Don't you know the customer's always right?
You're not talking my language
Communication breakdown
Are you receiving me?
Dash dash dash dot dot dot dash dash dash
Billing injuries
Money worries
Cold hard cash
A day late and a dollar short
We've got mail
Poison pens
Chopping lists
Questions to which the answer will always be 'no'
The operator's dictionary
The manager's phrasebook
Fun things to do in the call centre
Other stuff
They SAY... they MEAN...
THEY say... we WANT to say...
Simple solutions to complex problems
Stories from the other side of the phone
What if driving a car was as hard as using a computer?
What if riding an elevator was as hard as using a computer?
What if making breakfast was as hard as using a computer?
Frequently Asked Questions
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